The Premier System for Real-time Sanctions Screening and PNR and eAPIS Management.

Empowering Airlines, Business Jet & Large Fleet Operator.
Verify Passengers, Crew, Companies & Assets.

Elevated Security

Seamlessly screen, verify, and stay aligned with global sanctions. Tailored precision: exact or fuzzy search.

Always a Step Ahead

Industry-leading List Coverage. Checks against all common sanctions lists or maintain your own No-Fly-List.

Instant Results

Immediate feedback on whether the checked entity appears on any lists. Ensuring business safety and compliance.

Data Records currently being scanned.

Experience the Future of Compliance Management.

Embracing Automation in Sanction Screenings.

Navigating through the intricate maze of global sanctions is a significant task for operators. The sheer number of lists, their regular updates, and a hundred of thousands of entries make compliance a monumental task. In such a challenging landscape, automation becomes the beacon of efficiency. The Sanctions List Scanner emerges as a game-changer in this scenario. By facilitating the seamless integration and automatic execution of exhaustive sanctions checks, it substantially curtails the threats of non-compliance and possible blacklisting.
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Elevating Bizav Security with Your Customizable No-Fly List.

Understanding the nuances of global business aviation, introduces Private No-Fly List for executive airlines. Rather than just relying on public sanctions lists, airlines can now create their own blacklists for entities or individuals they choose not to engage with. This feature meets the industry’s demand for personalized security and compliance management, ensuring superior safety, adherence to standards, and preserving brand reputation. Experience a more tailored and flexible approach to compliance with

High-frequency update cycle.

Always up to date.

Stay Compliant.

Stay aligned seamlessly with global sanctions and ensure complete adherence to regulatory standards.

Tailored Precision. Exact or Fuzzy Search.

Choose between exact and fuzzy search functionalities to suit your specific requirements.

Accurate, Instant Results.

Always current data and immediate feedback on whether the checked entity appears on any lists. In the event of a positive match, detailed supplementary information is provided.

Industry-leading List Coverage.

Passengers, crew members, companies or jets are compared against the most common sanctions lists.

We are continuously increasing the number of implemented lists. If you operate in countries outside of this scope, we are more than happy to help!

Private No-Fly List.

Maintain your personalized Blacklist, tailoring the tool to your unique needs.

Real-time Verification.

Screen against sanction lists in real-time, eliminating the need for additional manual tasks.

Quality at the Best Price.

Experience reduced operational costs while minimizing business risks. Find out more…

Stay Compliant with Documentation Obligations.

Each query to the Sanctions API is being documented.

API Integration.

Facilitate easy integration into your existing systems for a more cohesive user experience. Read more…

We are proud to work with these trusted partners:

After ensuring we adhere to best practices, we’re pleased to collaborate with partners who share our dedication to excellence. These collaborations enhances our global operations and offerings.

News. Integrations. Questions?

We make you compliant with Sanctions, PNR and APIS.