Your Compliance with

The Sanctions Lists Scanner.

Your Challenge

Navigating endless lists, varied formats, scattered locations, and boring copy-paste tasks. Frequent updates, numerous entities, and the dire consequences of oversight demand an efficient, accurate solution.

Your Solution

The Sanctions List Scanner is meticulously designed to scan, in real time, the vast and ever-evolving landscape of sanctions lists — spanning from the EU, UN, USA, GBR, CHE, FR, AUS, CAN, UAE to the FBI and Interpol.
Our focus? Ensuring you stay ahead of the compliance curve with swift and precise checks.

Private No-Fly List

While previously airlines depended on public sanctions lists for client and partner verification, they can now include their own curated blacklists for a more tailored screening solution. This responds to a crucial industry demand, allowing airlines both enhanced security and the flexibility to decide with whom they engage based on various reasons.

Tailored for Aviation

While finds its roots in the aviation sector, emphasizing passenger carriage, its flexibility knows no bounds. Our API seamlessly integrates into diverse systems, ensuring that whether you’re in the skies or on the ground, you’re always informed and compliant.

Your reputation is our priority.

In a rapidly evolving landscape of global sanctions and regulations, even a minor oversight can impact your company’s reputation and lead to significant commercial and financial challenges.

We go beyond just compliance. Utilizing the Sanctions List Scanner can be considered part of your risk management. With our instant, automated checks, you not only minimize risks but also strengthen your credibility.

Safeguarding your reputation remains our primary focus.

  • Automated Real-Time Validation.
  • Transparent Background Checks.
  • Comprehensive, Reportable Queries.
  • Accurate, Instant Results.
  • Tailored Precision: From 100% accuracy to fuzzy logic adjustments.
  • High-frequency update cycle .
  • Elevate Security with Private No-Fly Lists.
  • Industry-leading List Coverage.
  • Always a Step Ahead: Constantly expanding our list database.

Unbeatable Price, Outstanding Performance!

  • Free integration, setup and testing.
  • No flight limits.
  • No limits on AOCs, departments, or users.
  • No hidden costs.
  • Unlimited number of data scans for each flight.
  • Initial training session free of charge.
  • Fixed price per tail. Easily re-charge costs.
  • Tail-based invoicing possible.
  • Ultimate flexibility. Adjust monthly fleet size.

Exceptional value proposition.

Best price-performance ratio.

Automated Sanctions Screening

Stay informed

and compliant.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Where Aviation Expertise Meets IT Precision.

Austrian Precision.

Years of expertise.

Data Records.

Empowering Skies: Based in Austria, represents combined proficiency in both the aviation and information technology sectors. Our team combines over 30 years of experience in these dynamic industries.

Our Mission: Transforming challenges into opportunities. At the heart of our operations is a central objective: to simplify regulatory complexities. This enhances overall productivity and lets you concentrate on driving success in your business.

Raising the Bar: Our commitment goes beyond just product development. It’s focused on giving our valued customers a top-notch experience. Through continuous refinement and innovation, we endeavor to maintain our standing as the premier choice in the industry.

Seamlessly Integrated: Partnering with leading platforms like Leon Software, Skylegs and FL3XX.

Leon Software

We invite you to utilize our expertise and be part of a partnership that values precision, efficiency, and excellence.

— Nana Steiner, VP Business Development

Frequently Asked Questions

EU: Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions

EU: Consolidated List of Travel Bans

EU: EU Air Safety List (Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the Community)

UN: United Nations Security Council Consolidated List

USA: United States OFAC SDN (Specially Designated Nationals) and Blocked Persons List

GBR: United Kingdom HM Treasury Consolidated Sanctions List

CHE: Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes


TUR: Türkiye Ministry of Interior Terrorist Wanted List

AUS: Australia Consolidated List

CAN: Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List

UAE: United Arab Emirates Local Terrorist List

FBI: Most Wanted

USA: Foreign Sanctions Evaders (FSE List)

USA: Sectoral Sanctions Identifications (SSI List)

USA: Palestinian Legislative Council (NS-PLC List)

USA: List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions (CAPTA List)

USA: Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List (NS-MBS List)

USA: Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List (NS-CMIC List)

PRIVATE: No-Fly List

and many more to come.

Yes! In the meantime there are numerous different international sanctions lists containing companies, individuals and organizations with whom and which it is not permitted to enter into any business relationships. These relate to many different nationalities.

Yes! In principle, every passenger must be checked before departure to determine whether they are on a sanctions list or an anti-terror list. Just thinking that you know someone well can have far-reaching consequences. People can appear on sanctions lists overnight as these are being constantly updated.

Yes! Sanctions lists can contain individuals, organizations, companies and even assets (aircraft, vessels, yachts, etc.).

Yes! Personnel, including leased personnel and freelancers, suppliers and external service providers also need to be regularly checked against the latest sanctions lists. is your means of ensuring that sanctions lists are checked in real time without additional effort, meaning that you are informed about suspect individuals. This ensures you avoid any legal violations in advance.

Yes! Entities can be added to a sanctions list at any time, so it’s crucial to screen frequently. That’s why ensures to perform a high-frequency update cycle, keeping you up-to-date with the latest sanctions and minimizes compliance risks. Stay compliant and secure with

Absolutely not. With screening sanctions lists becomes child’s play. Sanctions lists are checked automatically, in real-time without any additional manual effort. Stay focused on your core business while minimizes your compliance risks.

Absolutely not. Non-compliance with global sanctions can result in severe penalties, including fines or even multi-year prison sentences depending on the legal framework. The company’s directors are primarily affected by the penalties. In addition, non-compliance can lead to significant economic and financial risks for the company, making screening against sanctions lists an important aspect of risk management. Stay compliant and secure with

For operators, the dynamic world of global sanctions poses an intricate puzzle. With myriad lists, continuous updates, and hundreds of thousands of entries, staying compliant is a monumental task.

Core Foundation:

UN Sanctions List
The UN list lays the foundation for European and national sanctions. UN member states are mandated to report to this list, which then informs the European (EU) and other nations’ lists. Notably, the UK, USA, and Canada have created comprehensive sanctions lists based on these international frameworks.

Spotlight on Key Lists:

EU Sanctions: Critical for companies headquartered in the EU. The EU differentiates between individual and country-specific sanctions. The CFSP list encompasses all EU-sanctioned entities, whereas lists like the European Iran Embargo target specific nations.

British Sanctions: The Consolidated list in the UK combines both EU measures and national-level sanctions.

US Sanctions (OFAC): The OFAC list pinpoints US-specific targets, encompassing entities deemed threats to the country’s national security, foreign policy, or economy.

Beyond the primary lists, operators must also consider region-specific lists and security organization lists like the ‘FBI Most Wanted’ or Interpol’s ‘Red Notice List’. Relevance varies based on a company’s specific focus and operations.

Before establishing a regular check protocol, it’s imperative to discern which lists are pertinent to your operation.

Sanctions lists made easy!

Got any further questions?

We are happy to help!